Welcome to the WSS Research Center of Molecular Quantum Systems (molQ)!

News & events

/ News, Info

Media outreach with local Basel and Bern newspapers

Our press release has been republished by local newpapers  (TagesAnzeiger) from Basel (BaselZeitung), Bern (BernerZeitung, DerBund) and Zurich (Zürichsee-Zeitung)! The news is also reported  by the Swiss Chemical Society and the Swiss…
press release

/ News, Info

Official start of the WSS Research Center for Molecular Quantum Systems (molQ)

The Universities of Basel and Bern have officially announced the start of the WSS Research Center for Molecular Quantum Systems (molQ), which will enable the construction of superconducting quantum units. The Werner Siemens Foundation is…
WSS visit

/ News, Events

Visit of the WSS board at Jungfraujoch research station

The WSS board led by its President Hubert Keiber visited the Jungfraujoch research station.

/ Events

molQ kickoff meeting

The kickoff meeting of molQ was held at Schloss Hünigen in Switzerland on the 17th and 18th February 2025!

/ Research

New paper in ACS Nano!

The work "On-Surface Synthesis and Characterization of Radical Spins in Kagome Graphene" by Rémy Pawlak et al. is accepted in ACS Nano! We show zero-energy states into a semiconducting Kagome graphene by inserting π- radicals at selected…

/ Research

New paper in Advanced Science!

Our work on "Spin Excitations of High Spin Iron(II) in Metal–Organic Chains on Metal and Superconductor" by Jung-Ching Liu et al. is accepted in Advanced Science. Using on-surface coordination chemistry, we synthesized on Ag(111) and…
cover acs nano

/ Research

New paper in ACS Nano!

Our work on the "Individual Assembly of Radical Molecules on Superconductors: Demonstrating Quantum Spin Behavior and Bistable Charge Rearrangement" by Chao Li et al. is accepted in ACS Nano. We show the charge (spin) state control in…

/ Events

Launch of the molQ website

The molQ website with the latest news from the WSS centre of molecular quantum systems is now available online

The centre for molecular quantum systems (molQ) is being funded by the Werner Siemens-Stiftung (WSS) for a 11-year period with 15 million Swiss francs.

The Werner Siemens Foundation provides generous seed funding to outstanding, innovative projects in technical fields and the natural sciences with the goal that, in a few years, the projects can be run independently or that the results find industrial application. 


About molQ


The centre of molecular quantum systems (molQ) aims to develop a technological platform for the realization of robust topological qubits based on supramolecular spin lattices coupled to superconducting devices. 

Our disruptive approach is based on organic molecules as host for single electron (spin) to form quantum systems in one- (1D) or two-dimensions (2D) on superconductors. Their characterizations will be performed using low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). With the synthesis of nanoscale organic topological qubits, we wish to address essential prerequisites for technical upscaling and device integration at moderate temperatures (1-5 Kelvin) above the milli-Kelvin range. 

These novel quantum materials, whose electronical states can be controlled by an external gate voltage, are supposedly topologically protected which could enable long coherence times.



For any questions, please email us to : 

remy.pawlak@unibas.ch ; thilo.glatzel@unibas.ch and ernst.meyer@unibas.ch


shi-xia.liu@unibe.ch  silvio.decurtins@unibe.ch